Our friend, Stephen Roginson is on a mission to open Detroit’s first Nano Brewery in Corktown, and we couldn’t be more excited! He has all the pieces in place – but he needs help raising the funds. We asked him to share his story with us, so that you can see how much passion he has – both for brewing beer and for the city of Detroit. If you have a few extra dollars, please consider donating – we all would be lucky to sit inside Batch Brewing one day soon.  Here’s the second part in a series on Batch Brewing. (Check out Part 1).



Entrepreneurship? I’ve never felt so naked.

In my experience, it started with saying it out loud – “I’m going to open a brewery”. The first time I heard myself say that to a group of people, I was suddenly on a stage, or at a press conference, with only my ideas and enthusiasm as garb. It was a thrilling, nerve-wracking experience.

Batch Brewing Company was barely a twinkle in my eye when I started receiving support from the people around me. Close friends of mine introduced me to my business partner Anthony O’Donnell, based on that first conversation about ‘my brewery’. (Thanks Amy and Antonio!)

That support hasn’t stopped since.

My crowd funding video? (www.BatchDetroit.com) The benevolent creation of Christoper Hersey and Joshua MaGee.

My amazing logo? Magnanimously contributed by Adam Bridgewater.

www.BatchBrewingCompany.com? A surprise gift from friend and long-time coworker Rob Murray. Wow, is that a story for another time.

What’s my point?

There is a generosity to the human spirit that I wasn’t quite familiar with until I started working on Batch Brewing Company. One day, I will open the doors to ‘my brewery’, but it’s been clear for a long time I wouldn’t be anywhere without the support of my friends – old and new.

I really should start referring to it as ‘our brewery’.


Stephen Roginson
