(TRAVERSE CITY, Mich) – He’s a pathfinder, part yogi and part recluse. Impressively liberated from our opulent life-style – searching, determined and yearnful.
They call him the Wanderer, and his story has inspired both the legend and the honorary name of the latest North Peak Beer.
The Wanderer has been seen in Northern Michigan since the late 1800s. It’s rumored that in a prior life he went by the name of Donald Key and was a baron of industry. Then something happened. In an effort to escape the stress of his previous life, he traveled to Northern Michigan and set out on a simple hike. So began one man’s personal transformation.
Soon after his trip, Don metamorphosed to a slower, simpler pace of life – one filled with hiking the wilderness and opening his mind, body and spirit to any and all impressions that would bring him personal happiness. The story goes that Don soon left all of his worldly possessions behind to hike the hills and backwoods of Northern Michigan like a goat. In fact, some say that he is actually half goat half man.
Over the years, word spread of Don’s story and a loyal group of followers that share the Wanderer’s simplistic philosophy has since formed. Their motto is: “Give me a clear blue sky over my head, green grass under my feet and a great beer at my destination.”
It’s not known if Don is still out there, but many sightings occur – even to this day.
“Our buddy, Mark Brown of Haslett, Michigan, swore that he saw the Wanderer several years ago while playing some of Northern Michigan’s finest golf courses,” says Jon Carlson, who – along with Greg Lobdell, Ron Jeffries and Mike Hall – are the managing partners of Northern United Brewing Company in Traverse City. “The other golfers in his foursome suggest that there may be holes in his story, but Mark holds firm that he saw the Wanderer on the links that day.”
There is probably a bit of the Wanderer in each of us, just waiting to be unleashed. And who knows, maybe Don Key really still is out there today – aimlessly meandering through the forests that continue to inspire him.
North Peak’s Wanderer is a wonderfully-refreshing Session IPA, brewed with locally-grown hops on Old Mission Peninsula in Traverse City. Session IPA is an exciting new style, balanced with malt and hop characters with a clean finish. Hopped with Perle, Willamette, Centennial and Citra that give it a citrus and pine finish, Wanderer is rounded out with a generous amount of dry-hopping with Citra hops to fill the nose to give it a light, clean and stimulating body. This combination of full-hop flavor and lower alcohol gives Wanderer a wonderful drinkability, allowing the craft beer drinker to have multiple beers, within a reasonable time period or “session.”
Wanderer will be available later this week in six-pack bottles at retail outlets statewide (complementing Siren, Diabolical, Majestic, Vicious and other seasonal-released brews). It is also available on tap at restaurants and bars around Michigan.
The North Peak is part of Northern United Brewing Co., which also encompasses the Grizzly Peak and Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales craft beer brands, as well as the soon-to-be-released Civilized line of spirits. NUBC’s philosophy focuses on a dedication to conservation, inspiration and locally sustainable practices. All of the beers and spirits under these brands are produced at either the new 5600-square-foot facility on Old Mission Peninsula adjacent to Mission Table (former Bowers Harbor Inn) restaurant or at the original Jolly Pumpkin facility in Dexter.
Find NUBC products at stores, restaurants, and bars all throughout Michigan, including: North Peak Brewing Company, Mission Table and Jolly Pumpkin Brewery, all in Traverse City; Jolly Pumpkin and Grizzly Peak, in Ann Arbor.
Contact: Dianna Stampfler, Publicist
269-330-4228 | Dianna@PromoteMichigan.com