Because Target sucks all my self-control right out of me, I recently found myself the owner of a brand new (and pretty nice!) blender. Now, I don’t cook. I mean, I cook a little – enough to stay alive – but I’m not a great cook like the other co-founder of Drink Michigan, Audrey. I can blend with the best of them, though – once I figure out what the heck to put in the blender.
So I set my mind to making up some boozy milkshakes, and boy am I not sorry. This milkshake is as easy as they come, and so, so, so delicious. The Two James Grass Widow Bourbon is the perfect compliment to the creamy Guernsey Farms ice cream and Sander’s Caramel.
Here’s what you need to make 2 servings:
- A pint of Michigan-made vanilla ice cream, softened
- 2-3 oz of Two James Grass Widow Bourbon (you can put in as much or as little as you like)
- 1 tbsp. caramel sauce (you could be fancy and make your own, but Sander's is delicious right out of the jar)
- A pinch of sea salt (optional)
Step 1
Take everything and dump into a blender. Blend.
Heat up some more caramel (a tsp.) and drizzle the inside of a glass (learned this trick to making shakes look fancy from my years as a Big Boy waitress!). Then pour in the milkshake. You can top with whipped cream and a cherry, another drizzle of caramel, or even a bourbon floater if you want to!
Ta-da! Your very own boozy bourbon salted caramel milkshake!